Vintage Eats Recipe: Spider Corn Bread From 1902 Cookbook

Today’s recipe is from one of my oldest cookbooks. I recently purchased this small volume entitled ‘Royal Baker and Pastry Cook’ with an attractive full-color cover at a library book sale. I know some cookbook lovers are reading this so I’ll spend a few moments describing this fascinating historic document. It says on the cover... Continue Reading →

Vintage Eats Guest Recipe: Pfeffernuesse Cookies

Today’s Vintage Eats recipe of Pfeffernuesse Cookies (pronounced feff-er-noose) is shared by Michael ‘Mike’ Vorndran of Fort Wayne, Indiana. I met Mike a few years ago while doing a talk about my interviews with 260 World War II vets for a genealogy group at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mike is... Continue Reading →

Vintage Recipe: Old-Fashioned Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

Today I’m featuring a vintage dessert favorite of my husband’s because his birthday is coming up. (I promise that not every vintage recipe featured here will be a dessert – but is anyone really complaining?) I say it’s a favorite of his, although he would have not eaten it for the past 40+ years of... Continue Reading →

Vintage Eats Recipe: Apple Dumplings

“Apple, Apple Dumpling, My first choice,” Cry all the husbands With one voice. “Apple for the Filling, Sugar and spice,-- Wrap it up in pastry,-- Count me twice! ** This little ditty (I guess that’s what you would call it) introduces the Apple Dumplings recipe in the Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook (p. 325 for those... Continue Reading →

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