Vintage Recipe: Corn Pancakes

My family likes pancakes for a quick breakfast-for-dinner meal.

Usually the pancakes are made by grabbing a boxed mix from the shelf.

While nothing is wrong with that, I wanted to challenge the tried-and-true processed mix.

So, for ideas I pulled out the “Kitchen Chatter II” cookbook published in 1979 by St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Decatur, Indiana.

It included what sounded like a winner — Corn Pancakes. I had never made this type and thought it sounded intriguing and simple to make.

As you can see from the photo, I mixed in the warm cooked corn in their whole form without mashing the kernels.

By the time they cooked in the skillet, they were nearly invisible.

And tasted delicious!

When you don’t want to turn on the oven during another steamer of a day, try Corn Pancakes. I bet they’ll become a favorite!

*See My Notes at the end for my tweaks


Corn Pancakes

1 ¼ c. flour

1 t. baking powder

½ t. salt

2 eggs, beaten

1 c. milk

2 t. salad oil

2 c. corn, cut from cob or whole kernel, drained.

Mix dry ingredients.

Combine eggs, milk & oil.

Combine with dry ingredients.

Stir in corn.

Place ¼ c. of batter on greased griddle at medium heat.

Yield: 16 pancakes

My notes:

*I cooked 2 cups of frozen corn in the microwave instead of using fresh/canned.

*The recipe didn’t specify how long to cook the pancakes – 2 minutes per side worked well for me.

*While the recipe supposedly yields 16 pancakes, I got 10 from the batter using ¼ c. per each.

* While you can serve these with butter and syrup, my husband prefers jam/ jelly.

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