Vintage Recipe: Oatmeal Chocolate Chippers

So you want to do something for Mom but don’t have much time. What to bake?

Oatmeal Chocolate Chippers has been my go-to recipe for decades.

The batch can be assembled in one bowl and baked in less than one hour.

It includes items I usually have on my shelf (oatmeal, chocolate chips, etc.).

The book is published by the Apostolic Christian Church Evening Sewing Group in my area. I have the earlier books they published as well and use them often.

I’ve made this recipe so many times I feel like I could do it with my eyes closed.

I know this is true because I have developed the habit of recording notes in my cookbooks – if we liked a recipe, changes for the next batch, events they were made for, etc.

For this one recipe my notes show that a batch was sent with my husband and son for a cross-country trip.

Another batch went to a Vacation Bible School session.

Still others were for our family – they are a special group!

I think you’ll find, even if you’re not an experienced baker (I’m not!), this will be a successful recipe for you to share with loved ones and friends.

This will be my first Mother’s Day without Mom. I’ll be spending it with loved ones who also miss her.

She was a terrific cook. I can’t remember any dish not turning out perfect under her hands. Sigh.

I can only imagine being that good of a cook.

But as long as I have the opportunity, I’m going to keep baking and cooking for the good feelings they spread.

Happy Mother’s Day!


My husband John helps to pack up Oatmeal Chocolate Chippers cookies for a party.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chippers

1 c. shortening

1 c. white sugar

1 c. brown sugar

2 eggs

2 c. flour

1 t salt

1 t baking soda

2 c. quick-cooking rolled oats

1 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 c. nuts (optional — I used 1 c. natural almonds chopped coarsely)

Cream shortening & sugars.

Add eggs & beat well.

Sift together flour, salt, & baking soda.

Add to creamed mixture.

Mix well.

Stir in oats, chocolate chips & nuts.

If necessary, chill dough for easy handling.

Shape dough into 1-inch balls.

Place on ungreased cookie sheet.

A tiny container helps to coat the bottom of a glass with cinnamon sugar.

Flatten with tumbler dipped in sugar.

Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Cool slightly on cookie sheet before removing to rack.

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