Vintage Recipe: Blueberry Bread

It’s always fun to find a quick and easy vintage recipe that sparks the taste buds!

This recipe made with fresh blueberries (frozen can be used if thawed, drained) is moist and tastes much like cake.

Every crumb packed a wallop with blueberry goodness!

As with most quick breads, it is simple and quick to assemble.

We ate it plain with butter but it is good with icing too.

Put this bread together for a family gathering or picnic. Your guests will ask for seconds!

The recipe came from the ‘Family Favorites –Swartz Creek Jaycee Auxiliary in Swartz Creek, Michigan’ (1981).


Blueberry Bread

2.5 c. flour

¾ c. sugar

1 T. baking powder

½ t. salt

6 T. margarine

2 eggs

1 c. milk

1 t. vanilla

¾ c. chopped walnuts (optional)

1.5 c. blueberries


1 c. boiling water

1 c. sugar

1 T. margarine

1 T. flour

1 t vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Grease & flour a 9”x5” loaf pan or two smaller loaf pans.

In a large bowl mix flour, sugar, baking powder, & salt with a fork.

With a pastry blender cut in until mix resembles fine crumbs.

Stir in walnuts.

In a separate bowl mix milk, eggs & vanilla.

Add to flour mix.

Blend in berries gently.

Pour into loaf pan.

Bake 40-50 minutes.



1 c. boiling water

1 c. sugar

1 T. margarine

1 T. flour

1 t. vanilla

Cook all ingredients for 5 minutes.


Pour over the entire loaf or individual slices.

4 thoughts on “Vintage Recipe: Blueberry Bread

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  1. It is fun to have a new blueberry recipe. With every new season of Call the Midwife I make Blueberry Buckle from my old Betty Crocker in honor of Fred. Doesn’t last long in our house!

    1. I found a recipe for Blueberry Buckle! I’ll post it soon so we can compare. Please let me know any differences and the year of your cookbook. I have a couple of BC. My daughter loves Call Midwife!

  2. my BC Cookbook has a 1969 copyright, 27 th printing in 1976. We were married in 1977 and this was a wedding gift. Plenty of crumpled pages around the tea bread and vegetables sections. Betty has a Jackie Kennedy hairdo. Ha!

    1. Great! We’re in the midst of a move so many of my cookbooks are packed. At some point I hope to organize them to put them all together. So glad to hear from you.

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